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Nearly 70% of TCS employees return to work following the implementation of a new variable pay policy.

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Employees value their quarterly bonus, which is evident from the fact that 70% of TCS employees have returned to work. So, what did TCS do to make this happen? It connected variable pay to employee attendance, enacting a new policy that rendered staff with less than 60% attendance ineligible for quarterly bonuses. The policy requires 85 percent attendance in the office for employees to get their full quarterly variable compensation.

Simply said, employees with 75-85% attendance in the office will be eligible for 75% of their variable pay, while those with 60-75% attendance will only receive 50% of their variable pay.

Though the shift is claimed to be transitory, as indicated by Milind Lakkad, CHRO, TCS, it was definitely successful. A staggering 70% of the workforce has returned to work from a physical office, and this figure is only increasing. After all, the policy says that individuals who fail to comply consistently would be disciplined.

Given that 40% of its personnel was entered during the epidemic, many employees who have returned to work are encountering the in-office work culture and atmosphere for the first time. The corporation wants each member of its team to consider the benefits of this shift.
