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NITES advises to investigate the hiring delay for 2000 applicants at Infosys.

NITES advises to investigate the hiring delay for 2000 applicants at Infosys.

Nascent Information Technology Employees Senate (NITES), an employee union in the IT sector, is requesting an investigation into the prolonged onboarding delays affecting over 2,000 campus recruits at the tech company Infosys. According to NITES, these delays have persisted for more than two years, causing significant uncertainty for the affected individuals. Infosys has not responded to these claims.

The union has described the situation as a “serious breach of trust,” noting that many recruits turned down other job offers based on commitments made by Infosys. As a result, these individuals are now facing financial hardship and uncertainty due to the indefinite onboarding timeline.

NITES is asking the Ministry to conduct an investigation and ensure that Infosys fulfills its obligations. The union is also demanding full salary payments for the period of the delay. Additionally, NITES has requested immediate access to Infosys’s employee assistance program to support the mental and emotional well-being of the affected recruits.

Furthermore, NITES is urging Infosys to help the recruits find alternative employment opportunities within the company if onboarding remains unfeasible. The union is also calling for swift action from the Ministry to protect the recruits from unfair penalties due to Infosys’s delays.
