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Tamil Nadu announces Pongal bonus for employees and pensioners

Tamil Nadu announces Pongal bonus for employees and pensioners

The Tamil Nadu government has declared that Group C and D employees will earn a Pongal bonus of up to Rs 3,000. Teachers will also receive the bonus.

Full-time and part-time employees who earn a total pay, honorarium, or fixed salary and work a minimum of 240 days in a fiscal year will receive an ad-hoc bonus of Rs 1000. Pensioners in Groups C and D, as well as family pensioners and employees who retired as village offices or assistants, will each receive Rs 500. All other individual pensioners will receive the Rs 500 gift.

A budget of approximately Rs 163 crore has been set aside for bonus payments. The Tamil Nadu government has already proclaimed Pongal holidays for January 14-16.

A similar incentive was paid to Tamil Nadu government employees for Diwali in October 2024. While a 20% incentive was promised for employees of profit-making PSUs, a 10% bonus was announced for individuals employed by loss-making PSUs.

State government employees of Grade C and D working for the Tamil Nadu Housing Board and the Chennai Water Supply and Sewerage Board received a 10% Diwali bonus. Grade C and D staff of the Tamil Nadu Drinking Water Supply Board received an 8.3% bonus.
