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Microsoft employees will only use iPhones in China beginning Sep 2024

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Microsoft, the American IT giant, is said to have told its staff in China to only use iPhones at work. Employees will utilise Apple smartphones to authenticate their identities while logging in and out of their workstations beginning September 2024, as part of Microsoft’s Secure Future Initiative (SFI).

According to the new regulation, employees in China must use the Identity Pass App and Authenticator Password Manager. The continuous security and vulnerability issues with Android smartphones, combined with the Google Play Store’s lack of availability in China, played a big role in this decision.
According to Bloomberg, this demand will force Microsoft’s China-based employees to abandon all Android devices. In addition, to help with the transition, the company would distribute iPhone 15 devices to its Chinese employees.

Ironically, this action comes only a year after China formally instructed government staff to refrain from using iPhones at work.

Microsoft has had a presence in China since 1992, while Apple entered the market in 2001 through agreements with local manufacturers like Foxconn. Google launched itself in China in 2006, though its search engine and YouTube platform are forbidden; nevertheless, China enables the use of Google’s TensorFlow.

Microsoft’s Secure Future Initiative, introduced in November 2023 amid escalating cybersecurity concerns, is built on three pillars: Secure by Design, Secure by Default, and Secure Operations. According to Microsoft’s blog, SFI intends to give consumers more secure defaults while also providing a uniform, consistent means of managing and verifying the identities of people, devices, and multiple services.

As part of the SFI implementation, Microsoft will require the usage of common tools, such as the Microsoft Authentication Library, across all of its services and platforms.
